The facilities have been impressive and keep on improving with every passing year. The stupendous success of St. John's, prompted the management to spread the quality teaching to M.G. Road, Gunadala, Satyanarayanapuram and is now in the process of establishing a school in Bhavanipuram.
Adopting the Latest Technology
Language labs at St. John's are very handy as students coming from different regions. By using the login ID and password, parents can access student's information online and note their wards progress from time to time.
Computers have shrunk the world. We can now literally carry the world in our pocket. Today, information is available at the click of a mouse. Children are better trained if they learn the nitty-gritty of the information technology. Adopting the latest technology St. John's has established full-fledged Information and Communication Technology labs to provide computer course that surpasses the board stipulation. The state-of-the-art computer lab is equipped with the latest high-end machines with latest hardware and software. Faculty assists the students to browse the Internet in a filtered way to gather information related to their subjects and projects in hand. There is also an exclusive digital library wing attached to the technology lab that has a collection of educative and informative CDs on various topics.
State-of-the-art Labs for Science
As the technology grows and new developments take place in the field of Science and Technology, education also witnesses changes in the way the subject is taught. St. John's follows these changes carefully, to make the necessary modifications in the beyond classroom facilities that modern course structure demands.
The state-of-the-art labs for science at St. John's create the right ambience for the students to conduct experiments. Many meaningful group projects are assigned to students with clear but open-ended guidance from the teachers. Students along with their teachers are encouraged to conduct internal and external science symposia as well as science fairs. Apart from the labs, the school has well designed Library-Media center stocks a large collection of books on different subjects and reference materials in CD format. It also subscribes to several dailies, nationally and internationally reputed journals. The school conducts special library weeks, which include slogan writing, reading skills, language development skills and so on. All these efforts spark the student's mental abilities and brush up their creative minds.
Love for Reading
We confidently predict that technology will never replace the book. St. John's encourages a love for reading, both for the sheer joy of it and because it is the most useful technological tool in the student's range of skills. The Library-Media Centre not only features books and periodicals but also quiet story-telling corners. Our reading material comes from a variety of sources from all over the world. The children are encouraged to visit the school library, where a wide range of literature may be borrowed, including tapes and storybooks. They are given the opportunity to write imaginatively and factually. Emphasis on a high standard of achievement encourages pride in the content and presentation of their work.
Our Audio-visual room comprises of multimedia kit, LCD and OHP that the students and teachers may use for presentations, seminars and symposiums. The AV center has provisions for seating people in sizeable numbers for this purpose.
Ample space to pursue various Games and Sports
Students of St John's can get exposure to various sports and games, depending upon their aptitude and liking. A student on selecting his or her choice is given encouragement and opportunity to attain the highest proficiency in the same.
Physical fitness is the primary objective of team sports that accentuate the need for a collective strategy. The school has allocated ample space to pursue various games and sports that are based on co-ordination, teamwork and game plan. Students learn to play within the set rules and understand their role in the team and the importance of their respective positions. Adequate measures are taken to facilitate the participation of the talented students in games like cricket, volleyball and basketball at various levels of competitions so that they may shine and win laurels. Renowned sports personalities in various disciplines are associated with St. John's and visit the school regularly. Guest coaches provide special training to students who show a promise of shaping up into talented sports persons.
Holistic Development of the Students
The school is divided into four houses to inculcate a healthy competitive spirit in the students. Several inter-house Competitions in various disciplines are conducted to identify and encourage the talent.
St John's realizes the importance of the holistic development of the students. Emphasis is laid on shaping students into smart individuals with strong commitment to their chosen goals. The Group always strives to improve the infrastructure and academic standards of the institution to deliver the best to the student community. To suit the needs of the students of different age groups, it has established a play station, skating rink and a toddler pool. Students are encouraged to participate and get trained under the exponents in archery, martial arts, yoga and meditation. To inspire and motivate the students, the school hosts several competitions in various disciplines. Inter-house competitions are also held regularly to promote competitive spirit and sportsmanship.